Alright guys,
I adjusted the chain some times now on the XT660Z. It is quite easy and done it many times, however I used to drive a ninja , on this bike the play upwards and downwards to check was 25mm ish. Now with the XT660Z they say 5 0mm in my Haynes manual. I adjust it but when I want to check if it is fine, I can't.
I take the middle point ( lowest point ) between the front and rear sprocket. I push the chain down fully and start measurement. I pull it up and measure the distance. I then adjust it to normally around 50 mm max. Now everytime I adjust I cannot measure it properly because the chain hits my swing arm. So how do you guys measure ? 50 mm play is too much to actually check for me, so I just do it on sight ( don't let it hang to tight or to lose and check with running it on a stand manually ).
thanks !