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Old 01-07-10, 10:58
regie308 regie308 is offline
Expert XT-Moto
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Melbourne Australia
Posts: 80
regie308 is on a distinguished road
Funny that... i bought one tonight on my way home, its pretty good but the handle bar clamp is to suit normal size handle bar so to fit that little bar above the speedo i'm gunna have to chock it out with a block of wood (filed down).

I would like to test the water proofness of it with a bundled up cloth before sticking my new HTC HD2 in it.... but it does look pretty water proof (not a dunk in a river though as the cabble hole would let water in. Being behind the screen would be great for keeping it from being rain blastered for hrs of riding therefore i think it'll do the job well.

I will be getting some of the plucking foam that ya use in the pelican cases to fill the case and locate the phone to where i want it.
MY OLD RIDE: well you all know who she was