Well, I�ve gone and done it!
Got one and it�s an �09 in very nice blue. 2184 miles when I collected it from Birmingham yesterday afternoon then rode the 444 miles home.
The high fender is now off and will return when mud duty calls. Spent all of today cleaning & checking the brakes, changing fluids and generally checking it out. Cush drives are totally fubarred after just 2628 miles . . . .
Have approached the local Yamaha dealer with a view to getting a set under a warranty claim. Has anyone managed to get their cush drives changed under warranty/
Final question � what does the plug spanner look like in the tool kit that came with the bike � a photo would be really useful. The one I got with the bike will not go anywhere near the plug as it�s far too long. So, show me your plug spanner!
Steve T