afternoon people
so the sun is out, there is no wind, or snow..... for the first time in months i have put my leather jacket on
So during lunch time, i got my cleaning kit that i keep at work out. set about it with some muck off, a bucket of warm water, and a hose.
i'm really disappointed (i've only have the bike since december, got it second hand for a steal) this is the first time i have had chance to give it a quick clean. all of the other bikes i've had have been fared sports bikes, and when you have them clean (even the old ones) they have a certian bling effect. my xt still looks drab. little scuffs here and there, the panels are swirled, the covers are faded, and the metal work looks life less.
I know there have been some real anal fanatics on here who have spent hours on their rides. unfortunately i do not have that time.....
So. If you were me, with limted time resource, how do you get your bike to go bling?