I have noticed that theres not much user motorcycle threads where they write about their bike, what they have done, add pictures of work done on the bike. Can also be used for logging what someone has done on their bike like: Changed oil on that milage, changed some parts etc. Basically a blog type thread.
I mean that you use only one thread and post your stuff done on that thread instead of creating multiple threads(found them alot so far) where someone did one thing and next day he creates another thread with something else done.
It is much easier to follow someones progress and that way we will not make tons of different threads about some small changes.
One picture is better than thousand words... so one perfect example from our forum:
And found one in X/R section.
Maybe create one main thread under "XT660 Community" with "User bikes". So everyone who wants, can make blog type thread about their bikes? For example "Renten's XT660Z" or "Username's XT660R" etc.
Also people should use proper threads for questions... I found alot threads for example in "XT660z Reviews" about technical questions of exhausts or mechanical problems. But we do have Exhaust thread under XT660z/x/r thread ..
It would be much better if people use threads as intended so others can find answers easier in the future if they would be in one place
Hope it is not too confusing what I wrote. What do you think?